Capturing His Fallen Star

After Brooklyn and her crewmates settle down in the Feosua village, it doesn't take long for her to realize she's on the receiving end of some strange looks. When she brings it up, she's told of a prophecy that explains why the Feosua mistrust her. Now she's stranded on a planet with primitive aliens who believe in prophecies over science. Nothing could be worse... until she gets lost during a hunting trip and finds herself in the hands of an alien who doesn't appear to have a village of his own. Now Brooklyn needs to find her way back or wait for a rescue.

Isax was banished from his clan the moment he was old enough to fend for his own due to a prophecy. It doesn't stop him from visiting his village now and then. As long as he lives apart from them, he is tolerated for small visits. Fearing a life alone, Isax can't believe his luck when he stumbles onto a female who looks similar to him. A female who he can't speak with but who is his mate. Now he needs to find a way to convince her to stay with him when she seems determined to leave.


Capturing His Fallen Star