Grounded by Desire

6. Grounded by Desire.jpg

Tensions persist between the giants and the humans, but after years [months? not sure how long the fighting has lasted] of fighting, a tentative truce has finally been struck. For Lady Sybil, though, that doesn't mean the war is over. Her brother remains a captive of the enemy giant forces, and his release isn't a priority in the negotiations. Determined not to let him rot away in a nameless prison camp, Sybil uses her skills with bow and arrow to secure a place in the human army. She knows that military patrols will continue while the peace talks progress, and it will only be a matter of time before she finds the chance to slip into giant territory and rescue her brother. That is, as long as one particularly sexy rock giant doesn't stand in her way...

General Raziur of the rock giants commands the forces responsible for ensuring that the humans uphold their end of the peace treaty. When his troops stumble upon a human woman, he feels obligated to protect her, even if he doesn't entirely trust her intentions. He wants to believe that her loyalty to her brother is genuine, but his own family experiences leave him doubtful that this human woman could care enough for her brother to put herself in such a dangerous situation. It's far more likely that she has an ulterior motive that he has yet to uncover. Should he play along and help her with her ambitious plan? Or will Lady Sybil play him instead and leave him with a broken heart?


Winter's Scorching Kisses