Racing Toward Desire

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Nayli’s only goal? To win the Daen’su race series and show everyone, especially her mother, that she can succeed. Piloting and racing are in her blood, and no one is going to distract her from her goal. Not even a Krocosian male who insists that he is her mate. As the competition heats up, she soon realizes how far some people will go to knock her out of the running.

Roeq is competing in a Daen’su race series when he encounters the most alluring creature he’s ever set eyes on. This human woman with striking purple hair is more than just competition. Before he gets a chance to court his human mate, they find themselves stranded on a planet by an unknown assailant. As they search out this saboteur, can he show her that their professions won’t get in the way of a relationship, or will he lose the one thing he wants with all his heart?


His Human Temptation


Zro'eq's Fallen Star