Zro’eq’s Fallen Star

14. Zro'eq's Fallen Star.jpg

Sophia is part of a group of anthropologists who were forced to land on a primitive alien planet when their space station begins to vent atmosphere into the dark of space. Now, they must leave behind the technology they once knew and start a new life among the aliens they’d been studying. The good part? The aliens are slowly finding mates out of the human women. The bad part? Sophia seems to be stuck with the grumpiest of them all. 

Zro’eq watches from the sidelines as his clan accepts these strange women into their village. He knows it’s a bad idea, but no one seems to be listening to him. The last time they encountered human males, they’d shot blue balls of searing light at the clan. Now he worries what will happen when more of their people show.

When they’re forced together to find a couple of missing humans, will they tear each other apart or join forces like a dynamic duo?


Racing Toward Desire


His Human Doctor